I am very into the "shabby chic look" and today I found an outfit I would describe as shabby chic cheap ;)
I am really excited I chanced upon a beautiful dress in a charity shop and pulled together a whole outfit for £9.99. The dress caught my eye in the window. It is for me the very essence of spring. light, floaty very feminine, perfect for layering and a delightful fresh green colour.
I enquired about the dress in the window and asked the size. It was a size 12, my heart sank a bit, too big. I really liked it and asked if I could try it anyway. the ladies in the charity shop made lots of comments about my petite frame and the impossibility of me buying the dress whilst I was in the changing room. Charity shop staff are always as curious in their manners as the wares they sell. It was a little large but has quite a lot of darts and gathers I had a hunch that if i belted it it could work. So I bought the dress for £4.99 and set out to find a belt. No joy in the charity shops but I found one in Peacocks for £5. Total cost £9.99 and I love it! The bust is a little large but I think I could wear it with a vest underneath and the top two button undone to embrace the blousy look.
All this softened the blow when i got back the garage that was supposed to be putting a new tyre on the car, that we need two new tyres not one :(
Gorgeous - I bet you look fantastic! xxx