Sunday, 1 April 2012

Easter part one

Hello Readers

As many of you are aware we are now in Holy Week.  As a Christian this week is hugely important to me - Easter is far more important in the Christian calendar than Christmas.  For many around me Easter is about bank holidays, fluffy bunnies and chocolate eggs.  I have tried very hard to find ways of building family traditions that help us to remember the true meaning of Easter and thought I would share some of them with you this week.

Today is Palm Sunday, the day that Christians remember Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem where crowds of excited people came to welcome Jesus & proclaim him the Son of God.

Today is the day we decorate the house for Easter, this may seem a strange thing to do as Churches are traditionally left bare and free from any decoration or embellishment during Holy Week.  However I find having decorations around for this week helps me to be mindful of the season.

I make an Easter tree using faux blossom branches and Pusey willow.   I stand the branches in a vase, or this year - a pretty jug.  I have in the past used a lovely terracotta pot and some florists foam.  Over the years I have collected cute little decorations to hang off the branches.  Some of them were Easter presents, and are therefore even more special.  I have in the past cut branches to hang decorations from but always felt uneasy about possibly damaging the tree cutting it in the spring, hence why I now use faux branches.

Last year I made a wreath using polystyrene as my base and small, brightly coloured eggs.  They were quite inexpensive but it did take a lot to cover the wreath.  I attached them with a hot glue gun.  It's lots of fun and very eye catching.  This project didn't turn out quite how I had hoped - it is a little over he top for my taste but like I say a lot of fun.  My two girls love it so it has made a reappearance this year ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous crafts, Simone! And I LOVE your tablecloth! Ours is the same but sage green! Happy Easter to you all xxx
