Sunday, 19 August 2012

Somewhere Over the Rainbow...

Today would have been my Grandma's 94th birthday.

I am who I am because of her.  My Grandma loved to sew, knit and cook, kept a rose garden and collected tea sets.  She could never be idle and always had to be doing something.  She adored babies and sang songs from old movies all the time!  Does all this sound familiar?  She shared all these passions with me when I was a child and now I have grown to love them too.  I take enormous pleasure in sharing these joys with my children and live in hope that I may one day share them with my own grandchildren.

May I encourage you to share your passions with your family.  I was just 14 when my Grandma died and yet I know I am who I am today because of the time I spent with Grandma.   

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