As you know we have an allotment. We have had moderate success in our first year but there is one thing that grows exceptionally well on our allotment - weeds!
Some people have chosen to lay weed membrane all over their plots, except the beds. We have tried some areas of weed membrane but found it wasn't 100% effective and it is costly to do a whole plot. Mostly it's just a case of diligently visiting our plot and hoeing every bed and maintaining the paths as best we can. However I read this tip the other day & I want to try it around our raspberry plants as there is a lot of soil implanted between the plants where weeds grow.
Apparently weeds will not grow through wet newspaper! Here is what to do - put your plants in and put a good layer of newspaper around them, overlap the pieces and then wet the newspaper really well and mulch over the top. We will be using wood chipping as these are delivered to the allotment by a local tree surgeon for all to use. Some Gardner's do not like to use newspaper because of the chemicals in the ink and the paper itself but if it will keep my weeds away I'll give anything a go.
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